Friday, February 27, 2009

I am very thankfully excited that I'm getting (Lord willing, barring disaster or more faulty customer service) a Kindle 2 and the Hebrew Rosetta Stone software. And I should actually be able to use it since Brandy will have her own computer. By the grace of God I'll be speaking the language of the patriarchs in no time, while reading the complete works of George Mac-D, G.K. Chesterton, Thomas Aquinas, and others for pennies! Thank you socialist tax return!
This will rock.


E. Chikeles said...

Oh man I was listening to a GKC book... Tremendous Trifles it was... and it reminded me of you! The opening and first chapter could be something you wrote I think... at least in personality.

Melody said...

Thats about the only hooray for socialism I ever think I will utter as well...