Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Deliver me from muttering

I feel like an automaton, I need to return to the only place I love
I need to go back to the face of God
what is that faint noisethat background buzzing
is that my complaint growing thorns around my soul?
Ever finding all that's wrong
when bread comes falling from the sky
I don't like the color
and I have to bend over to pick it up
When I am fed, I am bitter that I must chew my food
a muffled dying, whining drone
bitter and tepid like coffee left out all night
God, Throw out the whole pot and start something better brewing
if it takes heat and pressure let some thanksgiving start to pour
'cause my whining is a slow suffocation
all these carbon monoxide mutters have left me with a headache in heaven
and I need to get your fresh air
You're the only one who loves me
so please give me CPR
and let your breath get me breathing out
grateful truths and thankful hymns,
til the sun comes rolling up over the hills
and the rain comes to wash the dust out of my soul
so I can see how for me everything runs on your love
and how everything is a wrapped up gift
and I can thank you,and we can talk again.

I got to push a bus last week. I was on the way home, when our bus stopped for a very long time at the intersection. I looked up and saw that the driver was getting out to help the driver of another bus that had stalled in the middle of the intersection blocking all traffic. Apparently she had hit a "dead spot" a part of the electrical power cable that holds no charge (the Seattle buses use electric power within city limits). Our driver came in and let us know it would be a while til a truck could be sent out to tow the other bus out of the way. It was about 11pm by that time, and I knew that if we were delayed that long, I wouldn't get home til about 3am. So I asked the bus driver if I could push it out of the way. He brightened up and said, "you know, it doesn't actually take that much to push one of these things, we could probably do it." I replied, "lets do It!" and jumped up out of my seat. The driver patted a heftyish mexicano guy who was occupying a seat towards the door of the bus and said "come on, you too!" and so the three of us hopped off, rolled up our sleeves, and pushed the bus a good five feet til it passed the dead zone and kept on going on it's own power, the driver waving at us as she left. So we hopped back on our bus, I made it for my transfer, and got home at about midnight.